On Wednesday, February 13, Students of Biology Department at UNG were busy with Basic Leadership Training Activities (LDK). The activity that took place in the Hall of the Biology Integrated Laboratory is an annual activity organized by the Biology Department Student Union, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo. This year activity was attended by 158 students consisting of 58 Biology Study Program students, 70 Biology Education Study Program students, and 30 other Science Study Program students. On this occasion, the Head of the Department of Biology, Dr. Elya Nusantari M.Pd with the speaker, Mr. Abubakar Sidik Katili, M.Sc. This event started at 08.00 WIB and was opened symbolically by Dr. Elya Nusantari M.Pd. as the head of the Department of Biology, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.
Then this event started with material on self-introduction and development, then continued with the second material, namely Organizational Management and the last material, namely Trial Engineering, which aims to build student character in a lighter and more enjoyable way.
It is hoped that students who participate in this LDK can have the motivation to achieve success and become better leaders in the future, hoping to bring a better and quality campus.
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