Biology Department Successfully Conducts Field Basic Education Activities

Oleh: Regina Valentina Aydalina . July 20, 2022 . 04:06:28

Field Basic Education (DIKSARLAP) is an annual routine activity carried out by the Biology Department Student Association in collaboration with the Biology Study Program Student Association and the Biology Education Study Program Student Association for 3 days in the field. The DIKSARLAP activity carried out by HMJ-BIO is highly appreciated and supported by the leadership of the MIPA faculty and lecturers of biology majors, because through the DIKSARLAP activity there are many benefits for students, namely, firstly, students can use nature to learn, and most importantly, the establishment of an emotional relationship between lecturers. and students.

This DIKSARLAP activity aims to train biology students to use nature as a source for direct learning, besides that this activity is equipped with materials from biology majors related to the character of scientific students, then there are also specimen and herbarium making activities, biology games, making learning media from materials that can be experienced and also tree planting activities as a form of caring for the environment.

The DIKSARLAP activity is one of the differences between the biology department and the majors in the MIPA faculty out of 5 majors in the MIPA faculty, the biology department is the only department that carries out basic field education activities with extraordinary benefits that can equip students in the biology department during become a study in biology and even become an alumnus of biology.


February 17, 2017 - February 17, 2018


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