Department of Biology education successfully commemorates World Environment Day

Oleh: Regina Valentina Aydalina . June 25, 2022 . 08:10:11

World Environment day is the largest environmental conservation campaign in the world. World environmental day is celebrated every five June, which began when the united nations in 1972 set five June as an environmental day at the Stockholm conference, biology student association, department of biology, faculty of mathematics and natural sciences, the state university of Gorontalo as an academic person who always pays attention to the surrounding environment, held an activity to celebrate world environment day, which was held on 23 to 25 2022 which was held on Gorontalo. 

This activity is a collaboration between the biology student association and the Indonesian Biology Student Association working area 8, which was held in Gorontalo, by inviting all biology student associations in the working area 8, this activity was attended by at least five universities, namely Gorontalo state university, Manado state university, Muhamadyah Luwuk university, Cokroaminoto Palopo university and Tadulako university. In this activity, several series of events were held, starting from a visit to the Gorontalo museum, as part of an effort to introduce Gorontalo culture to students from other regions, to the peak event of coral reef restoration held on Botutonuo beach. with the theme " Ecosystem restoration Protech Nature for Our Future" this activity was carried out very well




February 17, 2017 - February 17, 2018


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