As a routine agenda by the highest ORMAWA within the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, the FMIPA Student Union (SENMA FMIPA) held MIPA CUP 2019 activities as a form of appreciation and support by the highest leadership in FMIPA to the heads of departments and study programs together to make this activity a success. The opening activities of MIPA CUP 2019 began with a jogging and blood donation, the entire civitas within the department and faculty took part in the agenda.
The Department of Biology participates in the success of the 2019 MIPA CUP activities, starting from the preparation of attributes, which are prepared in such a way, as the biology department consists of various ethnic groups so that the preparation of attributes is also packaged in such a way as a form of appreciation for the diversity of indigenous tribes within the Department of Biology. Starting from traditional clothes, Javanese, Balinese, Gorontalo, and even Papua also enlivened the ongoing activity.
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