Students of the Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, consisting of the Biology Education Study Program and Biology Study Program, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, held a seminar on the results of the PKL Tissue Culture Course which was held at the Palma Plant Research Institute (BalitPalma) Manado. This activity was carried out in April from 03 to 07, 2019. This seminar is also fully appreciated by the Department because this seminar is conducted by students who hold PKL. This course is a compulsory subject that is included in the academic skills course. This course is intended to provide knowledge and skills about tissue culture methods, especially plant tissue culture (KJT), including objectives, benefits, methods developed and their applications in propagation, secondary metabolite production, fundamental research, etc. The scope of the lecture includes understanding and importance of plant tissue culture, benefits, medium in tissue culture, various cultures, organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. This course which has 3 credits, is required for 6th-semester students in the biology education study program and 4th semester in the biology study program. Jusna Ahmad, M.Si as Subject in Charge, Dr. Frida M. Yusuf, M.Pd and Dr. Novri Y, Kandowangko, MP as Team teaching.
Tim Taks Force semangat menyiapkan fisitasi borang akreditasi